Underfloor heating in summer

It can be nice to have warm floors, perhaps mainly in the bathroom, even during the warm part of the year, when the primary heat source is turned off.

Heated floors in the bathroom all year round

To get warm floors with waterborne floor heating even in summer, the mixing unit TMix XS is supplemented with a 350W electric cartridge that maintains a comfortable floor temperature on tiled floor surfaces, up to a maximum of 12 m2 (29W/m2), during the parts of the year when the primary heat source is switched off . Even already installed TMix XS mixing units can be easily supplemented with electric cartridge packages.


The TMix XS is a compact mixing unit intended for small areas such as bathrooms and hallways (max. area 12 m2). Equipped with a 350 W electric cartridge, it provides a comfortable floor temperature on the floor surface even when the primary heat source is switched off, usually in summer.


The mixing unit TMix XS with electric cartridge is intended for tiled floors and maintains an average floor temperature of 25°C (± 1.5°C)*. The electric cartridge is activated when the supply temperature from the shunt falls below 25°C, for example if the district heating or geothermal heat pump is switched off.


For best comfort, the version of the mixing unit TMix XS is used, which has wireless regulation and a function for easy switching between summer and winter operation.


In case of new construction or renovation

Article No: 51043
Package with mixing unit TMix XS, wireless thermostat and base unit, 350W electric cartridge and summer and winter switching fully assembled in cabinet


Addition to an existing shunt
If you already have a mixing unit TMix XS installed and wish to supplement with the possibility of warm floors in the summer, it will work perfectly.

Article No:
51723 Package with electric cartridge 350W and safety valve 4 bar
67441-1 Switching package for summer and winter operation